sinwp member Andy Astbury


Andy Astbury LSINWP
Andy Astbury Photography
34 Chapel Street
CW11 1DS

tel:- +44 1270 766 150
mobile:- +44 7971 427 939
web address:-
e-mail:- Andy Astbury

Social Media:
facebook:- Andy Astbury Photography

sample image created by Andy Astbury

Andy has been working as a professional photographer since completing his City & Guilds 744 in 1978, working for local and regional press, then as a studio photographer involved with everything from vehicles to glassware, portraits and weddings.

After getting 'roped in' to a one-off job as camera assist for Match of The Day on a very drafty and cold gantry at Aston Villa football ground back in the mid 80's he went on to complete a couple of courses in Audio and Video recording at the School of Film & Television in Beconsfield.

He has worked for corporate and broadcast clients from all over the world and in most fields from ENG news to studio-based programming.

In latter years Andy and his wife Jan have built a modest little business supplying stills and video stock footage together with website design and server management services.

Andy has always had a passion for wildlife and natural history and has developed a thorough understanding of fieldcraft, derived from far too much time spent in the company of gamekeepers, not to mention the odd 'rum character'!

Nowadays Andy is fortunate enough to be able to dedicate all his efforts toward wildlife photography and helping others to achieve great images with whatever equipment they have.

"The medium may have changed beyond belief in the last few years, but the fundamental principles of photography have always been the same, and will always be so", says Andy.

"Back in the days of wet photography very few people ever produced images without some form of understanding of basic camera principles and practices, but that big letter 'A' on everyones digital 'box-of-tricks' has lulled an entire generation of photographers into a false sense of security".

"Subject lighting, Dynamic Range, choice of background and control of Depth of Field through correct choice of lens and aperture use are as critical in todays digital era as they have always been; and these are the main technical tenets of all my workshops and tuition days".

Created 21/09/2008 - Updated 07/12/2023 14:16:37 Last Modified: Thursday, 07 December 2023