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Photographing Birds in the Garden - part 9 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

by Jon Ashton Published 01/04/2012


Reflectors can prove beneficial when the sun has moved to a less than optimal position; light may be reflected back onto your subject and this would minimise the need for fill-in flash and possibly extra battery packs. A large white reflector as opposed to a golden one would be best and positioned to provide the required lighting from the greatest distance possible.

This would help diffuse the light and minimise the chances of birds fouling the reflector. The reflector would have to be firmly anchored as a sudden breeze would soon cause misalignment.

Back lighting
Occasionally backlighting can provide unusual images, offering beautiful silhouettes or partial silhouettes with fine feather detail in the wing tips. This may be provided by natural light or by the use of flash.

In circumstances such as this it is a good idea to plan the scene in advance; you may for example set-up a darker background and note which birds squabble at the feeder and where - you could, for example, place the feeder and perch at a distance in and anticipate a mid-air squabble, your camera set manually to capture any potential action.

The points I have covered will place you in good stead to make a start on capturing some images of garden birds. As time goes on you will soon appreciate that a slight angle change this way or that way of the perch will produce a better view of your subject. You will soon understand where the best places are to place your feeders. You will know that bird photography requires patience and the sheer unpredictable nature of bird behaviour will provide you with endless opportunities.

It is up to you to vary those perches and place them in different places to get a variety of images. It is you who can check your camera settings and who can check that histogram - it is you in control of your equipment working in harmony with nature - hey, it is you having R&R but always remember the needs of the subject are paramount to yours as a photographer. Good luck and have fun.

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1st Published 01/04/2012
last update 18/07/2022 16:31:42

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