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How Roy watched the birdie - part 1 of 1

by Royston Packer Published 01/10/2010

Roy Packer LSINWP is getting very good at watching the birdies

Mainly they're the feathered and winged variety - but some of them also come with long legs and high heels and pose for portraits in his Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire studio.

After many years of 'full-on stress' running a company in the automotive sector Roy decided to change his life completely to focus on his real passion: photography. He launched a small multimedia company and befriended top wildlife cameraman Graham Horder (who right now is filming Komodo dragons - the world's heaviest lizards - in Australia for the BBC). The pair worked together producing film for the private and public sectors. But his true passion was always stills photography - wildlife and studio portraits.

"I retired and went out and bought a Nikon D3S with all the trimmings. Now photography has become my passion every day of my life. As soon as I wake up I am on my computer or out with my camera" he tells Professional Imagemaker. "I used to have a darkroom back in the eighties and I learnt the art of negative manipulation, dodging, burning, under and over-exposing - but as an avid, early adopter of latest technology, I quickly went digital and then studied Photoshop at an advanced level."

But Roy has maintained a resolute, no-nonsense approach to post production. "Wildlife is my prime photographic interest, but I will not compromise on my integrity when it comes to nature photography. I do not agree with faking images or any of that kind of trickery. I recently captured a great shot of a hobby hawk with a sparrow 'kill'. It wasn't staged but it was controlled. The hawk was a captive creature and so although I love the shot I would never consider entering it in a competition. I am happy to sit out in the freezing cold for hours to get theshots I want but I won't cheat."

Now, after just five months as a member of The Societies, Roy has gained his lsinwp accreditation - and just for good measure he picked up three Golds and two Silvers in the August print competition."

He adds modestly: "I am quite pleased with the progress I have already made. It's good to get your work out there for others to study and also to criticise. I believe that criticism is very important as long as it is constructive. It brings you on in leaps and bounds."

Roy used The Societies' 'Mentor Me' programme as the initial vehicle to expand his skill sets. "I submitted work just to see if the experts at The Societies thought it had any merit. They really encouraged me and so I put together a panel of images and was fortunate enough to gain my Licentiateship." He says: "I always try to do the best I can technically. I have some wonderful photo-equipment now and I know how to drive it - after that it's all down to the judges."

But he adds: "One of my best critics just happens to be my wife. She will always give me her honest opinion of a photograph's worth in her eyes. And of course it's largely subjective. What is art to one person may not be art at all to another."

Roy, who now plans to strive for his Associateship, also comes into close contact with many amateur photographers in his capacity as Competitions Secretary for his local Tenby and District Camera Club. "It just makes me appreciate the true wealth of photographic talent that there is out there," he enthuses.

And the elusive 'must shoot before I die' picture? "I want to capture a truly stunning image of a kingfisher" he says. "They are just so elusive and so beautiful."

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1st Published 01/10/2010
last update 18/07/2022 16:31:45

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