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The Land of Ice and Fire - part 1 of 1 2 3 4 5

by Paul Gallagher Published 01/12/2012


LI have had intentions of visiting Iceland for many years and recently the island has featured in the articles of many photography magazines billed as the place to be if you are a landscape photographer. One of the reasons Iceland has appealed to me is that many images of the place 'look' monochrome and having had a long career working in monochrome it seemed a natural place to be. After some time deliberating I had my flights booked and I was off, with kit packed and looking forward to see what I could make of it. One of the problems with visiting a popular location that has been photographed extensively is that you often wonder if you can do the place justice or will you simply produce a body of work that is not as good as that previously produced.


I travelled to Iceland with my friend and business partner Michael Pilkington, with the intention of visiting enough locations and hotels to run a landscape photography workshop there next year for my company, Aspect2i. For this reason alone we had to plan the trip carefully and make each day count during our seven days. During the planning stage I soon realised how big the island actually is* and the decision was made to concentrate purely on the southern part. An attempt to combine the northern part of the island in addition would be too stressful for me due to the amount of time spent driving past beautiful sights without being able to stop!

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1st Published 01/12/2012
last update 18/07/2022 16:31:45

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Updated 18/07/2022 16:31:45 Last Modified: Monday, 18 July 2022