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Magic Mull - part 3 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

by Mike McNamee Published 01/08/2016


Weathering of the sills has produced the dramatic coastal scenery which is such a magnet for photographers (and sea eagles and otters!). It has also provided a severe test for access in many places. For example, the walk to the famous arches at Carsaig requires a white-knuckle car ride just to get to the car park. In our case this was not helped by the local kids sticking an additional numeral 'one' to the weight limit sign, conning us in to attempting the road in a camper van. A sump-scraping, hand-brake testing, clutch burning, seven-point turn on a 1:3 slope was required to extricate us and the walk was abandoned before we even saw the beach!


The various coastal terrains are duplicated on the fringes of the inland lochs, that is a gentle slope rolling into a precipitous cliff, based with a flat 'beach' area (although it is sometimes boulder strewn and tricky walking!). The trip around the northern shore of Loch Scridain is even more arduous than Carsaig and involves an 11-mile yomp which also includes a fixed iron ladder to descend towards the famous lava-fossilised tree. The trip along the northern shore at Calgary is far more within the capabilities of your limpy-legged editor but equally rewarding - you could potter for days taking pictures, disturbed only by the occasional eagle patrolling overhead.

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1st Published 01/08/2016
last update 18/07/2022 16:31:46

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