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Magic Mull - part 5 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

by Mike McNamee Published 01/08/2016


The Terrain

The roads of Mull make for slow driving with only a mile or two here and there being two-way. Passing places are located about every 100 yards or so and you soon get into the habit and etiquette of waiting for the busy locals to come blasting through (and this includes 40-seater buses who take the narrow roads at startling speed!). For the driver, the stop at a passing place is an opportunity to catch sight of the scenery for you have to concentrate really hard on aiming your vehicle along the narrow roadway between times. Places where you can stop and get out to take pictures are quite rare (especially in a camper van) and so you need to be prepared to walk a mile or two - one advantage of using a local guide is that they know every nook and cranny to slide a minibus into!

Care is needed on the remote walks. Way marking is sparse and with little or no mobile coverage you are on your own if you have an accident.


Heavily folded Dalradian rock at Port Uisken and the view towards Jura

There is no mountain rescue on Mull either so if you get into serious trouble the wait might be long. For some of the routes a companion is an almost obligatory safety aid; map-reading skills and a steady head are also required in places.

We used the Cicerone Guide Walking on the Isle of Mull.

There are an abundant number of businesses to cater for your wildlife and photographic needs and you can see their minibuses buzzing about the hot spots on the island. We came by on our aborted visit to Carsaig Bay (we noted with a wry smile that he uses a Landrover!)

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1st Published 01/08/2016
last update 18/07/2022 16:31:46

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