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From the Mountains to the Sea - part 4 of 1 2 3 4 5

Published 01/04/2013


Personal circumstances then dictated great changes in his life: his marriage ended and he met Marion and the couple's shared interest in photography drove him to throw himself more into his craft. Marion's cottage in Snowdonia was where the couple went every weekend and it was only natural that his love for the area inspired his photography. Finally, while on a trip to the Sierra Mountains in the US he got the chance to meet Galen Rowell in the flesh and, although it was just for a day, it opened his eyes to the enhanced status that photographers enjoyed in America.


"Marion and I had reached a point where we were so busy that we decided to rent out our property on the Wirral and move full time to the cottage in Snowdonia," says John. "Although we've never actually gone looking for weddings to take on, we did get a few that just came our way, and we tackled these in a relaxed style and presented them in a Graphistudio Album. I even photographed my own daughter's wedding since I wanted her to have a set of pictures that I knew she would treasure. On top of this we were running an international audio visual festival, which was attracting entries from all over the world."

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1st Published 01/04/2013
last update 18/07/2022 16:31:46

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