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Otters and Sea Eagles The Isle of Mull - Mike Jones - part 5 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Published 01/06/2012


Photographing White-tailed Sea Eagles

The white-tailed sea eagle is the fourth largest eagle in the world, they have a wing span of nearly three metres and weighing approximately six kilos, the longest of their talons grow up to 4.6 cm.


The white-tailed sea eagle was reintroduced in 1975 and it is now 25 years since Mull's first successfully fledged a chick. Mull holds approximately a quarter of all the United Kingdom's white-tailed eagles and although the island holds a large population of golden eagles, the best opportunity to capture an image of an eagle is with the white-tailed variety.

The white-tailed eagle accounts for a quarter of all visitors to the island and with 110 jobs supported by the £5M of tourist spend on an annual basis; you can imagine that the bird is well protected and woe betide anyone who tries to get too close to a nest.

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1st Published 01/06/2012
last update 18/07/2022 16:31:47

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