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OUTdoor Gear Testing - part 2 of 1 2

by Mike McNamee Published 01/10/2011



Firstly, I was shocked I had never heard of Keela before considering they were born and bred in Scotland and have been in business for nearly 30 years. The Scuffers HW trousers easily matched and outperformed others I have used over the years by high priced well-known manufacturers and the same can be said for the ADS zip top. The Neutronic Smock Jacket is truly ground-breaking and if you like the outdoors, I think this jacket should be a part of anyone's kit-list.

It is great to be shocked by a good piece of kit, but to be blown away by three (by Mr Particular here!) is really something else. My advice is never buy another article of outdoor clothing without checking out Keela first, which is something I will certainly do. I began by saying I like travel because I have the opportunity to meet people and I am glad I met Iain that night! I will keep you all posted on the next batch of Keela winter gear that I will be wearing in the wilderness very soon. Watch this space!

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1st Published 01/10/2011
last update 18/07/2022 16:31:47

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