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Remote-control Drones - part 3 of 1 2 3

Published 01/10/2016


Tim is very clear that he won’t do aerial camera work if he has been hired as the main photographer though: ‘You often get as little as an hour and a half with a client on a wedding day to shoot the pictures that they want, and that hour and a half would be completely taken up with preparatory work. Crew briefings, people management - all of those things get in the way of concentrating 100% on shooting the images you’ve been hired for. So for me, I won’t do them together and if I’m commissioned to shoot aerial photography at a wedding, then that’s all I will do.’


It’s landscape photography that is Tim’s real passion, and he takes every chance he can to be out with the drone shooting; ‘Aerial photography has inspired me with landscapes again! I think everyone cuts their teeth in photography with landscapes, it’s often the first thing you have a go at, but I just found that I wasn’t being challenged anymore.’ However, after a long five years away, Tim’s interest in landscape photography has been reinvigorated! ‘I’ve decided to shoot aerial landscapes for my Associateship panel. I’ve been working for about a year now shooting sunrises and sunsets and I’ve really just got to visit another couple of locations and then edit them down’. Tim also enters many of the monthly competitions hosted by The Societies and sees them as an excellent opportunity to improve his work; ‘By entering the competitions and qualifications you become so much more critical of what you do. The mentoring, the competitions, everything about the organisation helps you to become a better photographer’.

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1st Published 01/10/2016
last update 18/07/2022 16:31:47

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