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Paul Gallagher Landscape Photographer The Ashes Series - part 1 of 1 2 3

by Paul Gallagher Published 01/06/2011


The idea for this feature came from the regular magazine swap that we do with Better Digital Camera and Better Photography Both magazines involve Australian, Peter Eastway, who edits one and publishes the other. We met briefly at Focus a few years ago, introduced by Malcolm Mathieson. Peter is also a busy landscape photographer who leads many courses and trips to places which seem very exotic from this side of the world - ranging from the icy wilderness of South Georgia, up to Papua New Guinea on the equator. He also produces a subscription web-based landscape master class and teaching programme, under the banner of which is well worth a visit.

It struck us that there might be some mileage in comparing and contrasting the styles of Paul Gallagher and Peter Eastway, given that they are both landscape specialists but work in such different terrains and continents. Australia is a vast country, almost unimaginably so when compared with Scotland. Australia has one of the lowest population densities in the world, a wilderness indeed, much of it terribly hot!


In terms of area, Scotland occupies only 0.96% of Australia's, whereas the population is about a quarter. In terms of landscape Scotland in particular, is very compact and varied. Although Scotland and Australia were joined to the same continent of Gondwanaland 450 million years ago, Scotland was re-assembled from pieces of four continents at a later stage, which is why it is so geologically diverse. Despite this later divergence there are still some similarities between the coastal landscape scenery of the two countries, which makes our comparison a little more interesting. Comparison of Paul Gallagher's work and that of Australian, Alex Cowley ( who is a features editor with Better Digital Photographer, is also an interesting exercise; their images share many common elements.

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1st Published 01/06/2011
last update 18/07/2022 16:31:49

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