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Tony Pick Coastal Images - part 2 of 1 2

Published 01/02/2009


An image made during a teaching session, local to Aldeburgh

Not long after I had started the portraits, a friend asked if I would take his wedding pictures (as a press photographer I always stayed clear of weddings). I was very nervous and had never done a wedding before, but, always up for a challenge, I agreed! Again word spread around the community that I was now offering a wedding service and I began to undertake more.

I soon learnt that the style in which I shoot my portraits was ideally suited to wedding photography and have had some great results. So now I had a gallery selling my own work, a portrait business and a wedding business. The only small problem was that weddings would tie me up for a week with the actual day, editing and correction time, the client viewing, album design and production. I decided recently that I would offer a wedding service along the same lines as a portrait session. I now cover the ceremony before dropping down to the beach for an hour and spending some quality time getting really beautiful shots of the couple and their guests. It seems to be working well and it means that the couple do not have to spend hours having the photographs taken in the more traditional way. It obviously helps enormously that we are on the coast and have the most stunning stretch of beach for me to use.

A new and exciting addition is the 'Digital Workshops' that we run. We launched them earlier this year after many requests from people visiting the gallery. So far, we have completed 40 workshops with minimal local advertising.


Tony's best-selling scene is this one from his local area.

The morning is spent out on location around the Aldeburgh area visiting some of my favourite portrait locations (beach - derelict house - woods - urban high key - environmental) teaching my portrait techniques (with a model) using both off-camera flash and available light. The later part of the morning is an introduction to landscapes/seascapes on the beach, using Neutral Density graduated filters. We then break for lunch before downloading the morning's pictures, back at the studio. The afternoon is an enlightening experience in Lightroom and Photoshop, teaching my workflow, covering all the points as described below.

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1st Published 01/02/2009
last update 18/07/2022 16:31:49

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Updated 18/07/2022 16:31:49 Last Modified: Monday, 18 July 2022