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Tryfan Skylight - part 3 of 1 2 3 4

by Mike McNamee Published 01/06/2015

Listening into the radio reports, we could tell that people were enjoying it. Banter was back and forth and they were saying how they were talking to other groups across gullies and outcrops.

As we returned to base teams started to filter in . It was dark now and you could see streams of head torches making their way down the mountain. It was now a case of getting everyone down safely and team after team came in with huge smiles on their faces. They knew that they had participated in something very special. All the teams were back within two hours. The party went on well into the night, but we wanted to get home to see if we had played our part and produced images worthy of the event.

Next day news spread like wildfire around the outdoor community and social media was buzzing with stories about 'Tryfan Skylight'.

It was without doubt a huge success and stories will be told and retold over the years and people will say 'I was there'. I was privileged to be asked to be part of it and it is an evening I will never forget. Maybe one day it will be me who says 'I was there'.

Prints and cards will be available in the gallery with all proceeds going to the 'Ogwen Valley Mountain Rescue Team' to support the valuable work that they do. It costs £60,000 a year to fund the team, so every penny counts.

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1st Published 01/06/2015
last update 18/07/2022 16:31:49

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