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Landscape Photography: Where, how, when and why - part 2 of 1 2 3 4

by Paul Gallagher Published


If you travel long distances to take photographs it is always wise to have a quick weather check, prior to embarking on the journey. I will agree that many weather forecasts are far from accurate but I have fallen foul of the trap in the past, waking up to promising light and setting off only to find myself looking ahead into the far distance of the motorway to see light replaced by Britain's wonderful grey sky veil. It is best to do a little homework and stay in the warmth of your bed if the general consensus of internet weather sites says "Cloudy in the Trossachs"! Sounds obvious but the temptation with a free day can become overwhelming.

Many photographers have a favoured spot in which to concentrate on their efforts. I have photographed in many places, but, for many reasons, find myself repeatedly drawn to the Highlands of Scotland. It is one of the only places I have visited that offers me the total, reclusive, solitude in which I can become single-minded and completely focused on my image-making. I do like other areas of the UK and what they have to offer, but I have become truly acquainted with Scotland.

It is second nature for me to head north past Glasgow and into the Glens and then onto the coastline. When I am alone, at my chosen location, I start by taking time to look and "see" what facets in the light and the land will make a photograph that will satisfy me. I still find it hard not to be overwhelmed by the overall excitement of the moment and arrive at the conclusion that I want it all on film. Conversely, at other times I wonder why I am there and whether it is even worth getting the camera out of the bag. When I do eventually get the camera out of the bag I set up slowly, giving myself time to see how the light gradually changes.

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1st Published
last update 18/07/2022 16:31:50

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Updated 18/07/2022 16:31:50 Last Modified: Monday, 18 July 2022