
East Yorkshire

Andrew Ashworth
East Yorkshire
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Hi I am Andrew Ashworth and I classify myself as an amateur photographer as I am having to learn the trade or over again in the digital world of photography but when I first left school I Achieved a foundation certificate and level II in photography this is great for using the camera but useless in the digital world as my qualifications are now over 20 years old and did not have anything to do with a computer or anything digital other than working in a dark room with a red light on and the use of chemical and paper.

I enjoy creating things out of photographs and making interesting things happen and take place There is always something special about working on a photograph and you never know where it's going to end and what is going to be achieved in fact with the use of the digital darkroom on the computer the possibilities of what you can do with a photograph never ands and even amazes yourself Photography has come a long way over the years since I first learnt it when I was burning the photograph onto paper and now it's all done on the computer in the electrical darkroom world and can be easily done by anyone with a little practice of the software they are using this is good as there is now no wasting of expensive photography paper and spilling all over the place of corrosive photography chemicals Although there is a sad part of this that is the watching of the image on the paper in the developers trays soaking in the chemical and watching for the magical moment of the image as it starts to develop on to the photograph paper About my start I was born and brought up in West Yorkshires in a small old sheep's wool town next doors to Keighley and Wakefield and the city of Leeds in a small terraced four bed roomed house with my mother and father and one older brother named Richard and the house was very damp and cold and mouldy with a big hole in one side of the roof that had a big sheet of plastic covering it to stop the rain from falling through meaning the top two bedrooms of the property could not be used all lived in so I had to share a bedroom with my mum and dad as they was only two bedrooms that could be used and one of the rooms was a small room which could only be used by my brother and could not fit me all my bed in Has well has him. My mum was a school cook and work at one of the local schools and my fathers worked in the old wool mills and at the furnace in the town were I then live and he was a terrible alcoholic man who was also a very nasty violent and aggressive argumentative man that would bash my mom up and smacked me and my brother About making the two of us black and blue and for no reason at all other than his punch bag and the enjoyment he got out of giving us pain. And making us cry.

When I was about four or five I was taken and put under a social service care order After my dad picking me up like a bag of potato's and through me across the room into a open coal fire in piercing my head into a metal spike that went into the centre of my forehead nearly killing me and putting me into the hospital for months. At around the age of 12 I was sent to a boarding school until the end of my time in care and I left school at 16 I was under the care services all of the time till the day that I left care.

With no formal qualifications I left my boarding school and went to Shipley College where I took a 12 month course in maths and English and trying out a little of what the college had to offer in other areas to see if there was anything I want to do full-time at the college it was well at the college I got a taste of photography and film and television and went on to do a full two years studying photography and film and TV I did the foundation course in photography and film and with a little help from my support team and a little extra time in the exam I passed my first and second city and Guilds In photography film and TV foundation level one and in level two of photography and in Art it did not involve computers like today and yes now I have to learn it all over again but this time on how to do it on a computer as this is now the future and where it's gone

If you have come this far in reading about me then I would like to give you a big thank you for taking the time in doing so

Created 24/08/2017 - Updated 07/12/2023 14:16:40 Last Modified: Thursday, 07 December 2023