sinwp member Martin Stacey


Martin Stacey
web address:-

Over the years I have shot many photographic genres, today I focus on fine art flower photography, my style is painterly and impressionistic, blending images with backgrounds that I will photograph or create in Photoshop. I shoot through a variety of mediums including ice, glass, rain, and some techniques from the past such as a stretched stocking over the lens or Vaseline wiped across a lens filter etc.

Portraiture and fashion are other passions and more recently digital artistry is an area I am beginning to focus on images will appear in my portfolio latter in the year (I hope).

I teach a range of courses for Brockenhurst college based around photography and image editing along with a selection of workshops.

Created 10/09/2019 - Updated 07/12/2023 14:16:36 Last Modified: Thursday, 07 December 2023