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Duncan Cauchi on The Beauty of Skye - part 3 of 1 2 3

by Duncan Cauchi Published 25/03/2020


Upon our return to the parking lot the sky was completely clear over the whole island and so the Bride’s Veil Falls, 2sec, f/16, 20mm focal length + CPL Fairy Pools, 94sec, f/8, ND 4 stop Soft Grad, 15 stop ND, Focal length 30mm. we decided to try our luck and drive all the way back to Eilean Donan Castle for sunset. This is a personal favourite, as it possesses several structural features that can be used in various ways to compose some good images. Prior to arriving, I did a quick search to check sunset location in conjunction with cloud movement. All this allowed me to have the necessary features required to capture the ideal long exposure. Since the clouds were moving quite quickly, I decided to go for an extreme six-minutes exposure at f/8 using the Haida 10-stop drop-in filter. This created the brush stroke effect in the sky, which in turn was reflected in the loch.

One of our final destinations was Neist Point. The highlight of this location was the lighthouse at the edge of the cliff. Here I challenged myself by stepping out of my comfort zone – instead of taking a single ultra-wide-angle shoot, I took

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1st Published 25/03/2020
last update 18/07/2022 16:31:49

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Updated 18/07/2022 16:31:49 Last Modified: Monday, 18 July 2022